We are thrilled to share Khutsala™ Artisans newest design of HOPE! Our Breast Cancer Ribbon Earrings.
This little pink ribbon has become the symbol of HOPE for so many women who have battled breast cancer or who are currently in the fight. It’s a powerful symbol that unites us and declares our HOPE for a brighter future!
Wear these earrings in honor of those you know who have battled. Or give as gift to a survivor or in honor of someone that fought bravely.
A gift of HOPE that provides HOPE
Over 50% of the population living in Eswatini, Africa is living below the poverty line. Project Canaan is a 2,500-acre farm located in Eswatini that employs artisans and provides a fair wage to them to help support their livelihood and their families.
100% of the profit from the sale of Khutsala™ Artisans goods is then donated to support the children currently living at the Project Canaan farm. Proudly wear this unique piece of jewelry knowing that you're supporting the Khutsala™ Artisans, their families, and the orphans living at Project Canaan.